Anthony V. - Senior

“Through CAD and mechanical design, I’ve learned that every detail matters. The precision and creativity I’ve developed here will guide me in all future challenges.”

Myles S. - Senior

“The FIRST experience has been an extremely impactful part of my life, teaching me more than just robotics. I've learned so much about communication, business, working together, and overall how to learn and think like an engineer.”

Korben P. - Senior

My experience as an Igknighter has taught me how to be more confident in myself and be open to failure. This is especially true when I began the process of learning how to operate our CNC mill. After months of mentor guidance, constant failure, learning, and practice, I have failed my way into feeling confident in my milling abilities.”

Hannah M. - Senior

“Being a part of the Igknighters has caused me to develop new interests and skills. These skills, including proficiency with CAD and CAM programs in fusion, general power tools, the mill and router, have pushed me to pursue further engineering knowledge inside and outside of school. These skills pushed me to pursue leadership roles in areas that I am confident in robotics and elsewhere. I have also met and connected with many teammates who have become friends due to shared interest that included robotics centered things and other areas of life.”

Myles S. - Junior

“My experience with the IgKnighters has been amazing. This team honestly promotes student participation and learning new things a lot. The IgKnighters give me a great work experience and have changed my life permanently!”

Matt G. - Junior

“With the IgKnighters, I have “honed” my skills with electrical engineering and I have met many new people